HRF 90012 bred by George Fell, Yorkshire Meatlinc, has become the leading sire for growth rates. His lambs finished 30 days quicker than the average on Mark Excelby’s organic farm with lambs finishing on clover lays.
Also in Ram Compare, Meatlinc have shown their muscling ability, with 7 out of the top 15 rams for muscle depth. Proving Meatlinc lamb flesh well on the loin when finishing.
“We use high index Meatlinc rams over 1400 outdoor lambing scotch mule ewes with the aim to start selling lambs from 12 week old off grass only. We also lamb 1300 Meatlinc X mule ewes in feb/march lambed indoors and then turned out to grass. Majority of these lambs are creep fed and are being sold from 10 weeks. The Meatlinc tups produce lambs that finish well on both systems, lambing easily with lots of get up and go, very few need assistance. The majority of lambs sold go to Woodheads and return excellent grade sheets with many getting premiums.
We buy grade 1 and 2 rams that never get any concentrate and last well. The tups only go out for 21 days, so the tups work hard. Using performance recorded tups help us get the most out of our system. We have been using Meatlinc tups for nearly 20 years and because of the index breeding they are always improving and we feel we get excellent value for money.”
Henry Rowntree, Clitheroe
Russel Stephenson, Hexham
Dylan Evans
Alistair Freeland-Cook
Mark Excelby